
Showing posts from October, 2017

Never be rid of it

SO... I haven't had a single depressing thought for a while but my anxiety still acts up. I guess I'll never be rid of it but I have learned to live with it. Taking up a new hobby with Ethan is a good choice as it strengthens our bond and gives me an outlet to rid myself of negative emotions. I have chosen fishing. Fishing to most may seem boring, but it is a great activity to clear my mind by the beach. We work together to fish and gives us plenty of time to talk. Ethan has never been much of a outdoorsy person as compared to my family or friends. I am really thankful, that he is willing to fish with me and even enjoy the whole activity whenever we do it. Another thing for me to unwind is to be able to write letters or call my BFFE. Although, things between us are different due to our difference in geological location. I am glad, that I have her to get me through my worst times. Good days would include me, waking up, looking forward to the things Ethan and I will do to